Just as its true that its the man that makes the suit, its the dancer that makes the dancewear. With out wonderful, passionate and dedicated dancers I would not have the opportunity to what I love everyday, make quality dance clothing.
For this blog I want to start interviewing the best coaches, dance teams, and dancers from across the nation. Not just the best because they placed highest in competitions, but the best because they have true passion for dance day in and day out. Few teams that I have came across exemplify excellence like the team I choose to interview for this first segment.
The 2013 Highlighters |
The Seton High School Highlighters not only have great leadership but they have a dynasty of excellence, and overall just a great dance program. The Seton Highlighters Dance team represents Seton High School an all catholic high school on the west side of Cincinnati. The dance team is made up of future and present Seton High School students.
I had the chance to interview Theresa Chiodi the varsity head coach and program director for the Highlighters. She is about to embark on her 22nd season coaching at SHS, and according to her website she considers her self a total dance nerd (it was at this point I knew I had to interview her 🙂 ).
BDancewear: In your opinion what separates your dance team from other dance teams?
Theresa: Our creativity in the Pom category is what separates us from other dance teams. We definitely like to take some liberties within this category by choosing a theme and a non-traditional costume to support that theme. I find that the Pom category can look and feel very cookie-cutter and if not careful, you can find yourself blending in with the pack.
BDancewear: What advice do you give your dancers to keep them motivated?
Theresa: Set goals (and continue to set new ones once you’ve reached them). We do lot’s of goal setting…as a team and as individuals, and then post them on the wall in the dance studio. I see the girls checking them often to see how they are progressing. We even establish goals for the week and/or goals for the day this way everyone knows what needs to be accomplished at any given time. It helps to keep them motivated and on task.
The key to setting goals is following up with the girls often to help them evaluate how close (or far away) they are from reaching them…or if they’ve been met and surpassed. They need and deserve feedback in order to stay motivated to improve.
BDancewear: What has been your proudest moment coaching at Seton High School?
Theresa: I am starting my 22nd year coaching at Seton High School so I have MANY, MANY proud moments. Most recently it’s finishing 3rd in the Small Varsity Pom division at the UDA National Dance Team Championships and having our whole routine featured as part of the ESPN program.
BDancewear: What are the biggest mistakes you see dancers make when competing, and how should they fix them?
Seton High On The Floor With Confidence |
Theresa: I think the biggest mistake a team (or individual dancers) can make when competing is not going on the floor with 100% confidence. No matter what the ability level of a team, what the audience (and I think judges) wants to see most is a confident team on the floor. Dancers should always believe in themselves and stand behind their routine/concept. If the girls aren’t selling it, I’m not buying. I can’t tell you how many good routines that I have seen that could be GREAT routines if only the team would perform it more confidently.
I know…easier said than done…but it’s such an incredibly important part of every performance.
BDancewear: In your opinion what makes good dance clothing?
Theresa: Good dance clothing is anything that the girls can move comfortably in without picking at, pulling on or fidgeting with. I prefer my team’s practice clothing to be form fitting so I can see each girls dance movements. For performances I want something that is going to enhance the routine by either emphasizing a theme or that will help create an effect or mood. I also want something that is going to flatter my dancers (ALL of my dancers)…too many coaches overlook this aspect.
BDancewear: What are your goals for this year?
Theresa: The number one goal for this year is to improve. Improve our technique, improve our showmanship, improve our execution and improve our final placement at Nationals.