Lincoln Park Dance Company Interview With Lisa Stop

The Lincoln Park Dance Company (LPDC) in Lincoln Park, Michigan is a non-profit organization that serves the members of the community with educational and performance opportunities exploring the arts focusing on traditional dance forms and various cultural dance forms.  LPDC operates in Kids at Lincoln Park Dance Academycooperation with the City of Lincoln Park Park and Recreation Department.

Lisa Stop, the Studio Director of LPDC is very vested in lifelong learning.  She doesn’t feel that her students are going to progress if she doesn’t progress.  According to Lisa, that means sometimes putting herself out there where she may not be very comfortable but that is how she grows.  This is also the example she wishes to set for her students as well.  Lisa stated, “Never stop learning and never be afraid to step outside of your box and you may be very surprised to see what comes of it.”

The staff of LPDC sets high standards for themselves and their students.  In an effort to stay on top of the newest in the dance world, the staff also stays involved in professional development activities and attend regular classes and workshops.  In order to expand their students’ experiences, they often bring in guest artists or teachers to either choreograph for the students or teach a special class.  LPDC believes it is important for their students to experience different teachers to learn new styles and techniques.

Cheerleaders Lincoln Park Dance AcademyIn an effort to keep her dancers motivated.  Lisa tries to keep their focus on a goal.  Small steps work best but it is important to have a goal in mind.  Maybe it is a triple pirouette or simply to be more attentive in class but they need to set a goal and achieve it.

Lisa’s proudest moments in coaching are always her senior graduation highlights at recital.  She is always so proud to announce all that her seniors have accomplished.  She feels that she has great kids.  Not only are they beautiful dancers, but the vast majority are graduating with honors, moving on to college and all around great role models for their younger dancers.

The biggest mistake Lisa sees dancers make when they are performing is not rehearsing at performance level at all times.  She frequently hears a dancer say they will add the facial and expression when they get on stage or they will dance it “full out” when they get on stage.  She says that is NEVER the case.  The way you practice is the way it will look on stage.

When it comes to the “must have” dancewear items that every dancer needs starts with a good black tank or camisole leotard, flesh colored and ballet pink convertible tights, black dance shorts and black dance pants and quality dance shoes in whatever their discipline is a necessity.

Lisa’s goals for this year are the as every year:  1.  Learn as much as she can.  2.  Pass that on to her students.  3.  Provide as many outside opportunities as possible.  4.  Lead by example and try to be the best role model that she can be.

Lisa started teaching in high school.  It then became a great side job as she was working through Dancers at Pink Lincoln Park Dance Academycollege and turned out to be her only source of income for some time when she finally graduated from college.  Not only did it provide additional income, but she loves to teach, create and share the art form.  Lisa has been teaching dance for 20 years and is in her 16th year as the Director of Lincoln Park Dance.  In addition to her extensive dance experience, Lisa has a Masters Degree in Education and a Bachelors in Engineering.   Professionally Lisa has shared the stage with Eartha Kitt, Gregg Russell and Sarah Reich.  She presently performs with her own Polynesian Dance team, The Tropical Wahines, and is a member of the Detroit Tap Repertory.

Dance has always been an emotional outlet for Lisa and she has seen how it has served that purpose for many of her students as well.  We all need somewhere to feel free of all of life’s burdens and the dance studio is just that place for Lisa.

Please post a comment if you have had any experience with Lincoln Park Dance Company or Lisa Stop.

Written By Cyndi Marziani


Cyndi Marziani


  1. My daughter had been with LPDC for 13 years now and Miss Lisa has always been an excellent example and inspiration! I joined my daughter in the Tropical Whites 4 years ago and she’s extra patient with and older learner. We work hard and perform hard but it ends up very rewarding.

  2. Miss Lisa is a true inspiration to me. She was my first ballet teacher when I was a 16 year old late starter to dance. She welcomed me with open arms into her dance family, where I met so many nice people and was in such a nice atmosphere. I didn’t know a single thing about dance and she took the time to explain every term and it’s meaning with not just me but everyone. I improved so much in the course of two years with a better understanding of how to move and dance. Miss Lisa never makes a student feel as if they can’t do something right, if you have trouble with a step she doesn’t single you out in a negative way but she will correct in a positive manner. Because of Miss Lisa I enjoy all forms of dance and appreciate each one. I truly miss everyone at LPDC, and I can’t wait to see the dancers in the upcoming performances!

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