Alicia Powers – Dancer of the Week

Alicia Powers DancingThis week’s Dancer of the Week is Alicia Powers. Alicia is amazing and has a lot to be admired.  She lives in Northern Nevada, is retired and approaching 70!!!  Most of our dancers are pre-teen to teen aged dancers and perform lyrical, hip hop, jazz, tap dances, etc. Not only is Alicia older, but her dance of choice is partner dances such as those found in Ballroom and Country.

Alicia has always loved to dance but she has been a social dancer, not a long-time competition dancer.  Some years back she decided to become a little more serious about dancing and went to a dance studio to see how she would do in one of the studio’s local competitions.  Alicia always says she will not drive five minutes to a gym, but here she drives an hour each way from her house for her dance lessons.  Obviously, she loves to dance but doesn’t love to go to a gym!

She says that her happiest moment related to dance is probably most recently when she received her highest scores EVER in the country competition in which she has been participating.  Another of her happiest moments is the first time, and every time since then, someone told her they enjoyed watching her dance and that it showed that she loved to dance. And, a “happiest moment” is when another senior tells she has inspired them to take up dancing. All of these moments are “happiest moments related to dance” for her.

Alicia has a few things that she has always wanted to do, and hopes to achieve in the future. As far as Alicia Powers Waltzdance, her newest goal is to compete at the UCWDC (United Country Western Dance Council) World Championships . . . and win! A goal she has always had started out as a desire to just compete in a little local event. Each time she has reached a goal and discovered what else is out there, the next higher goal becomes her new objective.  As far as non-dance wishes, hopes and goals, she has two.  She wants to travel to places she has never been to and she wishes she could sing.

Her goals for this year are to win all the upcoming dance events in which she normally competes and to add the Triple Two Step to her competition dances. Lastly, she hopes to compete and WIN at the Worlds.

She has only had one experience with Bailar Dancewear so far.  She needed “boy shorts” to wear under her competition dresses in colors other than nude and found what she needed with Bailar.  It turned out to be just what she wanted and needed.  It was shipped quickly and was problem free.

Learning to dance for purposes beyond social dancing has already exceeded what Alicia started out to do. It’s great exercise that helps keep her fit, it’s opened up a wide social circle, and it allows her to express herself through music, which she loves. She says she will continue to do this as long as she stays healthy. Alicia says that at her age, one never knows how long the music will play. From what I have learned of Alicia, I am sure, and I hope, the music will play for a good long time.

Right now, although Alicia lives in Nevada, she competes in Pro-Am events with a pro-dancer from Southern California which makes it challenging. It’s difficult to practice as a team when the partners are so far apart geographically. Alicia competes at her age and skill level (Novice), plus either one age Alicia Powers with Partnerlevel up or down. In UCWDC, her age level is “Gold.” She has done well competing in “Silver” (one age level down) and is now competing in “Platinum” (one age level up). She is eligible for Platinum because she will be 70 in this calendar year.

There are eight competition dances in UCWDC. Currently Alicia and her pro partner perform five dance styles to qualify to compete in the overall awards, but will add a sixth next month.  Her six dances they are presently competing in are the Night Club 2-Step, Waltz, Cha Cha, Country 2-Step and West Coast Swing. They are going to add Triple Two-Step next month. The other two dances in which they are not presently competing, or preparing to compete, are East Coast Swing and Polka. Most competitors have a different costume for each dance, but boots must be worn with all costumes, even with their waltz gowns!

It is truly amazing that Alicia took on learning, and competing in, so many dances at the age she did considering that most people that age are contemplating retiring.  Dancers usually start competing at a much younger age! So many seniors don’t try new things especially things that are not only very physical, but take a lot of mental exercise, also.  Alicia is an inspiration to us all, young and old! She really epitomizes the Dancer of the week! You go, girl!

Please post a comment if you have had any experience with Alicia Powers.

Written By Cyndi Marziani

Cyndi Marziani