Our choice for Dancer of the Month for February 2015 is Anna Powell. Anna is 12 years old and a sixth grader at Cloverdale Middle School in Cloverdale, Indiana, where she is a member of the student council. She spends four days a week dancing at Turning Pointe Academy of Dance in Indianapolis. Turning Point is an hour away from Anna’s home!!! When Anna is not dancing, she loves to spend time with her friends and family.
Anna credits her mom for igniting her love of dancing. Her mom was a dancer growing up and as a result of her dancing experience, she decided to put Anna in her first dance class at the age of 18 months old. Anna has been dancing ever since! Anna actually had her first performance at their County Fair when she was two years old and started competing at four years old.
Her happiest moment in dance occurred when she won the Junior Miss Showbiz last year. She also enjoyed being chosen to go to Pre-Pro at Talent on Parade. Anna says it was exciting to experience a mock audition, work in commercial workshops, and get a little taste of what professional dancers have to do intheir professional life.
Anna loves Madonna and has always wanted to meet her and maybe dance in one of her shows one day! Hopefully that is something she will be able to experience in the future.
As far as her experience with BDancewear, Anna says that “buying from BDancewear.com was awesome.” She ordered a pair of white, high-waisted booty shorts and they fit perfectly. Not only is the quality great, they are very comfortable!!
Anna says she has a few goals for this year. Number one is she wants to really just focus and work very hard on being the best dancer she can be. Anna gets really nervous before her solos, so she would like to be able to have more confidence when she goes on stage and she would like to be able to show everyone how much she loves to dance. She would also like to increase her flexibility and improve her technique. She is attending more conventions this year as well and would like to improve her dance technique by learning from other teachers outside of her studio.

Anna is not yet sure where she hopes to go with her dance. Even though she has been dancing since she was 18 months old, she is still in the infancy of her dance career. She would love to be able to dance professionally, but does not know if she would like to dance in the music industry, dance at Disneyworld, be on Broadway or ???There is so much available out there. Anna also enjoys making up dances, so she thinks maybe she might become a choreographer. The world is wide open for her. There is no doubt that she will be successful in whatever she chooses to do.
Please post a comment if you have had any experience dancing with Anna Powell.
Anna is gifted and talented. A shining star. A real dancer with heart. Nowadays, other dancers try to put more gymnastics and flexibility, and I feel that takes something away from dance. Dancing is art in motion. Anna keeps the art in her dance and moves with fluidity and grace. She has a great future in dance.