For the Love of Dance Interview with Lesley Ruzon

For The Love of Dance PhotoshootLesley Ruzon, Director/Owner of For the Love of Dance, a family-owned studio in Mountain View that serves Mountain View, Palo Alto, Los Altos, and Sunnyvale. They are a family-friendly studio that offers high-quality training in ballet, jazz, tap, and other styles of dance to children and adults at all levels of ability. They focus on learning a love of movement and of art, with opportunities to perform throughout the year, culminating in a full recital.

According to Lesley, For the Love of Dance is different than the studios in their area because they are either focused on ballet only or have a competition team. For the Love of Dance offers many types of dance and values dance as an art form. All dancers are given the chance to perform at various events throughout the year as well as the recital.

Rather than naming her proudest moment while coaching she says that she just loves watching her little ones when they achieve a new skill.

Lesley believes that the biggest mistake she sees dancers make is tensing up and lifting their shoulders, for example, doing travelling turns like chainees or piques. She encourages them to relax and make their necks long like a swan, or as if they are wearing long, dangling earrings.

As far as her goals for this year, she hopes to continue to grow and become a fixture in the community. Her hope and goal is that when someone thinks about a dance school in Mountain View, their first thought is For the Love of Dance.

After teaching at a few studios in the area, Leslie began looking for a studio with her philosophy – teaching a love of dance, movement and art through dance. She was unable to find a studio in her area with her philosophy. They were either ballet-only or focused on competition. As a result, she decided to open her own studio.

As a mother of four children, Leslie understands the needs and concerns of families. She strives to be understanding of the parents, as well as the students and is well qualified to teach dance. She grew up near Boston and studied at the Judith Clark Academy of Dance. She started teaching there as well, completing a three-summer teacher’s training course through the Dance Teacher’s Club of Boston, in association with the American Society. Lesley attended the University of Southern California, where she performed with the School of Theatre’s Dance Theatre Troupe and with the student-run troupe DanSCers. After graduating with a B.A. in theatre and a teaching credential, Lesley moved to the Bay Area and has taught drama and dance in area high schools and junior high schools as well as private studios. In addition, she has performed in and choreographed numerous musical theatre productions. As a mother of four she brings a unique perspective to teaching and directing a studio.

Lesley wholeheartedly agrees with Anna Pavlova:

“Dance is pure romance, and it is in that aura that we see ourselves not as we are but as who we should like to be…beautiful, free, healthy, happy, carefree.”
          -Anna Pavlova

For the Love of Dance now offers Jacki’s Aerobic Dancing! These classes are offered Tuesdays and Thursdays and are designed to get you moving in a fun, dance-like way. The prices are very reasonable. For those with busy schedules, they offer a 10-class punch card for $90. For aerobic dancing enthusiasts, they offer a monthly pass for only $65.

They also offer parties in the studios. If your little one wants to celebrate in the studio with her friends or if your tween wants to learn the latest moves at a hip hop dance party, For the Love of Dance is available! Their teachers will lead a one hour fun-filled class for your birthday child and up to 7 guests. Then you have another hour for free dance, games, stories, cake and presents for only $199. Call 650-861-0650 or email the studio for details.

Please post a comment if you have had any experience with For the Love of Dance of Lesley Ruzon.

If you would like to know more about For the Love of Dance, check them out on their website at You can also call them at 650-861-0650.or email them at

Written By Cyndi Marziani

Cyndi Marziani