How To Create An Open Front On A Half Skirt


Hello, I am Cyndi from and I am going to show you how to take a lace, cross over skirt – you can see where it crosses over in the front – and turn it into this look. If you do not want coverage in the front but you just want to sheer something in the back, this just might be the video for you.


  1. Cross over Lace Skirt
  2. Matching thread
  3. Pins, safety pins optionsl
  4. Scissors
  5. Sewing machine


  1. Choosing Your Materials

The only choice here is the cross over skirt.

  1. Pinning and Cutting the Skirt

So, what we are going to do is take that cross over skirt and determine how wide  we want this opening to be. Once the skirt is on the girl and before we have done anything with the skirt, we will want to pins in the skirt marking how much do we want to see – how far back do we want to cut. Now, we are going to take our crossover skirt and where it comes together here, just take a pair of scissors and cut the lace. Do not cut the seam. You are going to cut right here between the band and the lace. Cut this open all the way to the spot that we have determined we want it to end and then go back another few inches. Keep cutting and then do the same to the other side. You want to make sure that it ends up even. You will be leaving the band intact because that overlocked seam on the band, we are going to be going back and will zigzag it down. We now have it cut open there.

  1. Sewing the Skirt

So, we are going to take it from the inside. This is the inside of it. And we are going to fold it back so that we can get to the stitching on the band. we are going to fold it back once and then fold it back twice and then pin it into place. Now, if you do not like the look of the fold, we can change it differently but a little pleat there is actually a really cute thing. So, we are just basically putting pleats on each side to kind of fold it back.

Now, let’s go to the other side. We want to make sure that the pleats or the folds are not going in the same direction. We want to make sure that they do not both go to the right. If one side is going to the right, we want the other side to go  to the left. We want to make sure that when we pull the fabric, nothing sticks out from the other side.

Next, I am just going to go ahead and put it on the machine and zigzag right on the edge. Do not make that waistband smaller. Just catch where the original seam is. I am sewing it with a nice bright pink thread so that we can see it. See how it is zigzagged down with a bright color so we can see it. See how it is zigzagged down the band yet if we fold open the band, we do not see it.

Then we are going to do the same thing on the other side. Make sure to take those pins out if you have a machine that does not do well sewing over pins. My machine does sew over them but I prefer to not take a chance. Because when we are in the middle of sewing something, we definitely do not want to end up breaking a needle.

Now when we fold it frontwards, we do not see the seam. You just see the pleats. But, now we have the band where we cut. We are going to want to take that and fold it down and sew it. Let’s go ahead and do that. Fold it underneath. You want a nice clean line. Just zigzag straight across. Use a stretch stitch if we have it. If not, zigzag. But, remember to go back and stretch it out. I used a bright pink thread so we should be able to see the stitches. If we use a thread that matches the skirt, we would not be able to see the stitches. Now we have a band that is finished off with pleats down the side.

So, if you are looking for a skirt where you have a little bit of coverage but you can really see your legs, but your butt and hips are covered a little, and still have lots of flow, this just might be the video for you.

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Remember – Be original, be colorful,


Cyndi Marziani