Married to the Dance

We have not yet had the opportunity to interview this dance blog, if you are associated with the blog please have someone from the blog email us at to set up an interview (only takes a few minutes and it’s free).

In the meantime here is some quick insights about this dance blog from their website.


Married to the DanceThe writer of Married to the Dance is “a Flamenco novice who tries to stay in compἀs” – a lady in Los Angeles who is currently committed to flamenco and wedded to no one — hence, married to the dance. The purpose of this blog is so that she can share her passion with everyone. She has been studying flamenco dance with Rina Orellana since September 2008 and has been writing about it since April 2010. She uses this space to ramble on and on about flamenco so that her friends and family are no longer forced to listen to her talk about it incessantly. Now they can come to this site and read all about it only if they want to know more and not as a captive audience. Good idea, right?

Cyndi Marziani